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Sending LiveFlow Telemetry : Configuring LiveFlow telemetry
Configuring LiveFlow telemetry
To send the LiveFlow telemetry data used in LiveNX and other platforms, you must use Omnipeek to first create a new LiveFlow capture and then configure the settings for that capture to send LiveFlow telemetry to the desired platforms.
NOTE: Scroll down in the capture options to see LiveFlow settings for IPFIX Template Refresh Interval and IPFIX Options Template Refresh Interval. These settings let you configure the amount of time (in seconds) LiveWire sends template information to the desired platforms. The templates provide the instructions to the desired platforms on how to interpret the template data records in the exported LiveFlow data. The default is set to 600 seconds (10 minutes). If you make any changes to your template settings, it will take the specified number of seconds for the changes to take effect. If you recently connected LiveWire to the network, it may take up to 600 seconds for the desired platforms to see the LiveFlow data from LiveWire. You may want to adjust the settings to the desired intervals.